Rob Pardo expressed his thoughts and opinion to BBC  in an interview – said the creator of the popular game. According to Pardo, the professional participants will have special skills, especially the ability to immediately respond and make important decisions. However, the creator of Warcraft believes that such competition will be difficult to obtain the status of an Olympic sport. The reason, he explained, is the interpretation of the concept of “sport” in the framework of the Olympic Games. – said Pardo. You’re probably already laughing at the notion of professional gaming as an Olympic Sport but there is already a campaign started where more than 94000 people from 211 countries signed to make eSports (Video Game Competitions) an Olympics event. You may not like the idea but there are thousands of gamers want to see it as an event of the Olympics Program Now i want to hear from you.  What do you think about it? Should video games be an event in the Olympic games?  The comment box awaits you !!