Shodan demonstrates to you what Google doesn’t. Composed with an idea to establish connection between every one of the gadgets associated with the Internet, it set aside no opportunity to turn into a play zone for programmers and experimenters. Shodan meets expectations by gathering and stacking HTTP addresses from different gadgets connected over the Internet over the world. The indexing is done on the premise, for example, nation, OS and brand. Shodan’s examining force can be expected from the way that it can recognize the movement lights, security cameras, control frameworks for service stations, power networks, and even atomic power plants. A large portion of these open administrations utilize little measures for online security and once presented to programmers or terrorist associations, the outcomes could be unfortunate. On the off chance that you have introduced telnet empowered security cameras in your home for “security”, then you may need to put them away. Programmers can rupture into your framework if your IoT center point is uncovered on the Internet utilizing this programmer web index. It won’t be simple, on the other hand, it is not outlandish either. There are various gadgets out there that still keep running on their default passwords or no passwords by any stretch of the imagination. Shodan creeps through the Internet for such available gadgets and you are demonstrated 50 of those in the event that you have a record on Shodan. On the off chance that you could give the site the motivation to check these gadgets with their charges, you would get data of the considerable number of gadgets.