Focus on Enterprise

Far too many enterprise businesses aren’t taking advantage of the cloud. While these customers employ Aspect software, they haven’t taken the next step. Aspect CMO Michael Harris has a few ideas to minimize companies’ discomfort and enable them to more easily make the next move and join the cloud. “Our strategy is to focus Via on those clusters of customers that need a more manageable migration from their existing deployment to the cloud,” states Harris. In the past, Aspect concentrated on company acquisitions and mergers, and though Aspect Via kept advancing, product improvement wasn’t the chief focus — until now. Rather than spending time on deals and expanding a sales team, Aspect is taking a new direction under Harris’ lead. Reworking the company staff and reducing the number of personnel reflected the change in course. “If we’re going to focus on enterprise customers and enterprise customer needs, we didn’t necessarily need as much of a salesforce in other segments,” says Patrick Dennis. Honing in on solutions for enterprise businesses didn’t require such a large sales and marketing staff.

New Enterprise Solutions

Rather than throwing random products at a company and hoping something sticks, Dennis has a targeted, efficient approach. Customers are categorized based on defined desires. Aspect is working on creating all-encompassing solutions for these clusters. This move has been compared to making Aspect Via the “Swiss army knife” of CCaaS. That’s not an inaccurate view of the process; each part of this operation has a specific purpose. Every enterprise business needs self-service applications, an optimized workforce, external integrations, and real-time and historical data reporting. Adding on new features to adapt to a changing market should be a painless process for any company. With Aspect Via, it is. But for enterprise customers who haven’t switched to the cloud, migrating from their premise-based solution seems unmanageable, if not overwhelming. For some, the problem could be more to do with the daunting task of transitioning to this next-generation service with minimal interruption. That’s why Aspect Via will change the game. This product and the company as a whole will target the hyper-specific requirements of these large-scale businesses. Once the pieces fall into place, and enterprise companies step over to the cloud side of call center tech, this new focus will lead to more adaptable, efficient, and cost-effective processes for everyone involved. Aspect is used to big projects, with its largest WFO customer using 65,000+ seats and the largest contact center customer possessing more than 20,000 seats.

Relevant CCaaS Expansion

Sweeping technological changes can be a stumbling block to a traditional enterprise-level company. But, the beauty of this cloud-based call center software is the way the software meets the needs of large companies — with the ability to adapt to a changing market. Successful businesses must be agile to compete in today’s market. Too many moving parts, too many extra, unnecessary departments, and any company would stretch too thin. CCaaS expansion and a renewed focus on the enterprise customers’ demands will reduce the pressure facing today’s big players.