So, what is end-to-end testing? Well, it allows for better quality assurance, which will lead to fewer bugs and more satisfied customers. It can also help with the user interface design process by identifying potential issues before they happen. The approach should be used in every stage of the SDLC, from initial requirements to final deployment on production servers. The end-to-end testing process provides a developer with confidence that their code does what it’s intended to do, not just locally on their machine but across different operating systems and devices, including browsers, tablets, phones, and other browsers (e.g., Chrome vs. Safari). Here are four ways to implement end-to-end testing for anyone’s software development strategies:

Define Requirements

The first step to performing end-to-end testing is to define the requirements. A tester should know what they are trying to test, what features they are looking for, and how it will be expected to interact with the rest of the product. Testers can write end-to-end tests after requirements are defined or during development. Having a good understanding from the beginning will speed up the process later on when writing tests. In addition, this allows developers and testers to make sure that new code doesn’t break old tests and other issues before release. In software development strategies where SDLC phases overlap, this knowledge can help prioritize tasks by ensuring functionality won’t break existing features that need more work before release.

Develop the Software

Once the requirements are understood, it’s time to develop the software. The development includes all the code that will make up the product. Therefore, in addition to unit tests, which test specific functions of the code, e2e testing should be written as well. These tests can be run against mocked-up data or a live server but should always cover edge cases. End-to-end tests serve as a final verification that everything is working as expected before release. A good practice is to check end-to-end tests with the source code always available for reference.

Test on Different Platforms

Testing on different operating systems, web browsers, and devices is the only way to ensure that everything will work as expected by the customer. Real-life can be messy with users choosing their own devices, so it’s best to have a test environment set up for these various environments. Using virtual machines or sandboxing certain parts of the code are possible solutions for this problem. As an example of end-to-end testing, any pre-defined requirements should also be implemented into the testing phase before release.

Decide Between Manual or Automated Testing

Once all tests have been written, testers should decide whether they want to do manual or automated testing. Most end-to-end testers agree that there are benefits to both approaches but believe that knowing how to automate end-to-end tests will make them more efficient and productive. If a manual end-to-end testing scenario is chosen, testers should be careful to verify all the steps necessary in the test script are working as expected before release. This can include making sure that new code doesn’t break old tests or that every step of the test is executed regardless of errors.


End-to-end testing is a process that testers should use in every software development life cycle stage. By understanding the requirements, developing the software, and testing on different platforms, end-to-end testers can be sure that the product will work as expected by the customer. Automated testing provides efficiency and productivity, but manual testing should not be discounted. Finally, testers should verify all steps in their test scripts before release to ensure a high-quality product.