But how much does it cost to create a flutter app? Which factors are crucial for estimating the flutter developer hourly rate? In this article, we will dig deep into what Flutter is, how the price is formed and how much it will cost to make an app.

What is Flutter?

Before you ask about “How much does flutter app development cost?” you need to know what Flutter is. It is an open-source SDK provided by Google, which is used for cross-platform mobile and desktop app development. It can be used to build apps for Android, iOS, and Fuchsia, as well as both Windows and Linux. It is often compared to React Native, Angular, and Xamarin, but some differences make it distinct from either of these frameworks.

Which are the main price-forming factors?

While developers often ask ‘how much should I charge to make a flutter app,’ it’s interesting to learn how much businesses are willing to pay.


Qualifications have always been an important factor when you decide how much you’ll get charged for an app. No matter where you hire your developments from and how you hire them, people with a vast knowledge base will always cost more than junior developers. Sometimes, the difference is staggering.


People often confuse experience with expertise. While some people might be very qualified, you cannot become an experienced developer in 12 months. A blend of education and experience defines an experienced developer, but most importantly, they have learned from their mistakes and understand the way things work.


Not only does location matter, but it also matters a lot. Whether your company is building a website in the United States or creating an app in Eastern Europe, you are going to have to contend with different rates. However, the costs vary widely based on location and experience. This means that they will have to pay more for a product that was built by a team in the U.S., as opposed to one located in Eastern Europe. Sometimes, the difference might be stunning!

The US and North America – $75-200 Western Europe – $65-170 Eastern Europe – $40-60 South America – $45-70

The cost to develop a Flutter app depends on the functionality you want in your app. The number of hours it takes to develop your app will depend on how long a feature takes to produce. Then multiply that by the hourly rate of each developer.

Freelance platforms

Typically, freelancers cost about 80% of the price of agencies. You can get a top-quality professional from Upwork or Toptal. But since the latter platform seeds the top 3%, don’t expect to pay much less. On the other hand, you are sacrificing time frames. Most of the projects take too long to finish, and many of them are even further delayed, which may result in another problem – missed opportunities.


While outsourcing to freelancers may be a cheaper option, it can be risky. It is better to work with established development agencies that have reputations for delivering projects on time and within budget. Such companies bring more resources and expertise to the table and ensure more efficiency in marketing activities.

Flutter App prices

Basic Flutter apps are not expensive. They start from around $8,000 for a simple chat platform with few functionalities. A payment integration would cost you approximately 70 hours and $3,500 (if you pay $50/hour). A fitness app would be more, however. Ranging from $25,000 to over $35,000. Middle-complexity apps are around $40,000-$50,000, and complex apps start from $45,000 and could go well beyond $100,000.


Flutter is your best bet. Unlike similarly priced alternatives, it can reduce costs significantly, and you can use its cross-platform functionality to create a stunning app that both of your potential customers will love. While the cost to develop an app on Flutter might not be $1,000, you can build a very good one for $10,000 and an amazing one with multiple functionalities within $50,000 which is impressive.