Most business owners invest in a distributed antenna system (DAS), which, some say, is the ideal solution for an establishment’s needs. However, is DAS really profitable for all enterprises? Or are regular signal boosters enough and more cost-efficient?

Signal Boosters For Enterprise Wireless Systems

If you are thinking of getting DAS for your business, consider first the points below before committing to the purchase.


DAS is naturally going to be expensive. How expensive? When compared to a regular signal booster, like those at WilsonSignalBoosters, which can range from $400 to $1000 depending on the model and specifications, a DAS system will cost at least thrice or even as much as eight times that amount! And that’s only for the system. Additional equipment purchases, the service fee for deploying the system, and the overhead expenses for maintaining it can inflate the overall cost of having a DAS. In contrast, multiple signal boosters can be just as powerful yet will cost significantly less than a DAS. A signal booster can be setup on your own with minimal assistance, eliminating the need to pay professionals to do it. Furthermore, each is easy to maintain and/or replace without one affecting the entire network.


Once deployed, a DAS will work great for its area of coverage. It can be deployed to cover an entire building or used outdoors to extend phone service. However, once it’s in place, it will take a lot of effort, a lot of time, and a lot of heads aching to move the entire system somewhere else. As for phone service, DAS needs a carrier-specific amplifier to work, which, in turn, requires a business to enter into a contract with their chosen carrier for up to ten years. This exclusivity may hurt a business in the sense that it won’t have any other options to fall back to if the deal doesn’t work out for them. Signal boosters don’t have these problems. They can be moved from point A to B without much of a hassle. Plus, they are certified by the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) and are given immediate consent for usage. Boosters aren’t locked to a single carrier, so they can get any signal from all cell towers, regardless of carrier.

Deployment Length

DASs require a while to be set up and deployed. Usually, they need at least six months for the whole process to be finished. That means businesses won’t see a return on investment anytime soon, which isn’t ideal for those who are just starting out. A signal booster, on the other hand, just needs a few hours to a whole day. Businesses can then make use of its benefits, ensuring smooth operation without any delays.

Making a Decision

Distributed antenna systems are powerful, and they may seem ideal for businesses. In fact, some organizations that use DAS include the Department of Defense, Microsoft, Nike, GE, Coca-Cola, Chevron, and Apple to name a few. However, not all systems are perfect, and the three points in this list are just some of DAS’s flaws. For people who’d like to get a DAS for their business, check first if any of these points will work for your company. Otherwise, it’s better to stick with signal boosters. They can do the things that DASs can but are cheaper.