In barely a few months since the debut, Krafton has managed to replicate the enchantment that PUBG Mobile has had in India for years. The game is currently available for android. However, although there is another cause for Android consumers to rejoice, those who own iPhones have not been so happy. Krafton has remained largely vocal on the question of when the iOS version of Battlegrounds Mobile India would be released, but a recent Instagram post may have provided some indication.

Krafton hints for upcoming BGMI for iOS launch

According to a recent post on the Battlegrounds Mobile India Instagram page, the 50 million download reward for gamers has been revealed. Once Battlegrounds Mobile India has received 50 million downloads from the Google Play Store, these awards will be distributed to all players. Because only Android users can participate in the game, it is reasonable to assume that the awards will be limited to those who use Android devices. In response to this uncertainty, Krafton has released a clarification, stating, “We are planning for all Indian gamers to get prizes regardless of their operating system.” The important phrase here is “regardless of their operating system,” which suggests that Krafton may be planning to release an iOS version of Battlegrounds Mobile India soon. Even better, after the phrase, there is an apple emoji to prove it even further. That emoji is an obvious indication of the impending release of the BGMI app for the iPhone and, most likely, the iPad. However, at first glance, it appears to be little more than a teaser.

BGMI for iOS release date

In terms of a release date, Krafton has not specified when the Battlegrounds Mobile India game would be made available for the iPhone. Because the Android version was released just a few weeks ago, it would have been ideal if it had already been made available by now. Although this was an official debut, Battlegrounds Mobile India has really been available on Android since June, which was also the time when Krafton announced that it was working on an iOS version of the game at the time. Rewards stated in the Instagram post by Battlegrounds Mobile India include three Supply Coupon Crate Scrap items, three Classic Coupon Crate Scrap items, and a Permanent Galaxy Messenger Set, among other things. However, to obtain each of them, gamers will need to achieve three specific milestones. The first prize is given out when players achieve 48 million downloads, the second one is given out when they reach 49 million, and the last reward is given out when players reach 50 million downloads. There will be an event center in-game where you will be able to collect all of these goodies. Battlegrounds Mobile India has received 46 million downloads from the Google Play Store at the moment.